ESR1 – Rohith Parvathaneni
About Rohith

Rohith Pavan Parvathaneni was born on 23rd April, 1997 in Andhra Pradesh, India. In 2018, he finished his B.Tech. in Chemical Science and Technology at Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IITG). In 2018, he moved to Denmark to enroll on a master in Applied Chemistry with a specialization in Medicinal Chemistry at Technical University of Denmark (DTU).In 2018, Rohith did his bachelor’s thesis in transition metal catalyzed C-H bond activation in synthetic organic chemistry department. During master’s, he specialized his theoretical and practical knowledge in the interface between chemistry and biology. He did his masters thesis in Synthesis and Delivery of biomolecular conjugates for RNAi therapy of Hepatitis C infection and synthesis of fluorescent labelled DNA for STR analysis.
During his free time, Rohith loves to play cricket and cook. After living in Denmark for more than 2 years he developed interest in biking too.
Rohith’s role within CARTHAGO
Rohith joined CARTHAGO in March 2021 as a Ph.D. student under the supervision of Dr. Oommen Varghese at Uppsala University, Sweden. His project involves Synthesis and Delivery of Chemically modified nucleic acids to improve the RNA interference therapy. During his studies, he will also work under supervision of Dr. Ana Paula Pêgo at Institute of Biomedical Engineering (INEB) in Porto and Dr. Martin Stoddart at AO foundation (ARI) in Davos.